Saturday, May 7, 2016



Written by: Colin Bruce Munro Wood = 05/6/16  -  09:00AM ET


                In 2008, Donald Trump was quoted as saying, “I think Hillary would make a great President”!

Lately, it has been a different story from the now Presidential candidate, when speaking of Hillary Clinton, and her husband’s bad record with women, as Trump puts it.

But for years before their current political squabbles, Clinton and Trump supported each other personally and professionally. In 2005, Clinton, then a Democratic Senator from New York, sat in the front row of Trump’s wedding in Palm Beach, Fla. Her husband missed the ceremony but attended the black-tie reception later.

The powerful, and influential Clinton Foundation, which seems to be clearing all FBI hurdles at the moment, and remains in good standing in our nation and the entire globe, has seen contributions from Donald J Trump in the past!  Donald has funneled between $100,000 and $250,000 to their charity organization.

The ever loquacious Trump, who has recently made Hillary out to look like a failure in her role as Secretary of State, and a horrible leader for the future of our Country, once stated in 2007 to Wolf Blitzer, that Hillary Clinton is “very, very capable”

 “I know her very well,” Trump said. “She’s very talented. And she has a husband that I also like very much. I think she’s going to get the nomination rather easily.”

(But Trump does not stand behind these statements now. On the Today show, he credited his business acumen as the intent behind his previous praise for the Clintons.  "As a businessman, I had to get along with everybody, and I’ll be able to do that as president. I’ll be able to bring people together," he told Today host Savannah Guthrie, "when I needed approvals, when I needed something from Washington, I always got what I wanted, and that’s because I was able to get along with everybody.")  Cathleen Chen, The Christian Science Monitor, December 29, 2015.

Despite this apparent good relation, where Trump and the Clinton’s have both been seen on numerous occasion together, with arms around each other, giving hugs, including Hillary and Melania hugging, one must wonder what they’ve all had up their sleeves.

With Donald taking just about every county in each state of this past two Tuesday’s elections, it seems apparent that everyone loves Donald Trump.

But, hold on!!!  Trump is only getting the Republican votes right now, as we all know not everyone can vote in primaries, and everyone must vote for their own parties, while Independents can forget it during the primaries.

While invoking a little math, anyone can easily count up the millions of votes across the nation so far, and see that the Democrats are destroying Republicans in the numbers of votes.  It didn’t start out that way, with Donald taking in more votes than anyone in the first few states last fall, but the dynamics have changed drastically, and he just does not have the votes to beat either a Clinton or a Sanders campaign in November.

So, were Donald’s and Bill’s golf meetings in the past, where they are seen smiling and shaking hands, actually planning meetings for what is going on?

Donald Trump is no Republican Conservative.  He never has been, and never will be.  There are many Republicans being fooled by his candor and message now, but it does not fit with the Donald of old, nor the Donald that the Clinton’s know very well.

Yes, Donald speaks of a better America, and a stronger military, and stronger influences in Foreign Affairs.  Sure, he talks about all the great things, we should do for America, and how a wall across Northern Mexico needs to be built, and paid for by the Mexican government.  Vicente Fox, President of Mexico, almost laughed back into the Don’s face this week.

However, I ask all you Trump supporters… Since when have you heard any messages about HOW he plans to take care of all these ‘wonderful” ideas he has, as he likes to put it.  How is he going to pay for some of these things? How is he going to make America great again in the eyes of the World, when all he spreads his hatred, and insults toward others?  How is being mean, and lacking grace going to get us a better standing in the world?

It is not the concern of Trump supporters that we actually get along with the world at all.  Even though he purports to be a Global Uniter, he is far from this, and his supporters do not want global unity, but want America to look better than everyone else, and to be more powerful than everyone else, because of auspicious outcomes for America.

However, America is supposed to be great by setting examples of love, unity, democracy, and military prowess.  Donald is all about being a big bully!

Trump has tried to back off this “Bad” attitude of his, but it just keeps rearing its ugly head over and over, and I don’t think it is by mistake.

Take the Clinton/Trump relation, and mix it in with a little dirty politics, and you’ve got a not so Republican candidate, who is actually drawing some democratic support as well.  Basically, Trump is tearing the Republican party in two, forcing Independents into Hillary’s camp.  When you look at all the numbers, the polls, and the fact that America is made up mostly of the same immigrants, and small communities of minorities, that piece America together, and the big cities around America, we see way too much support for a woman, who has proven to get herself through so many hard times, husband idolatries, and bad military mess ups, that she actually seems like the better candidate for President to everyone right now.  She never seems to lose at anything!

Only the back woods judgmental types, and those who don’t do their homework on the Clinton/Trump relationship, and Trump’s supportive, and political history, will be the third of the nation that votes for him in November.

I predict, that with Hillary’s clear messages, and Donald’s purposeful fall from grace, which is surely to come, that Hillary R. Clinton will be our Next, and First Female President of the United States, and we will not have to worry about the embarrassment of a crass, and rude businessman running our Country, and teaching our kids to be hateful, and judgmental.  Yes, I am a registered Republican myself now, for 17 years running, but my vote will be an Independent one this November, with a party change to the middle coming immediately after I vote for Hillary Clinton!

I believe, Donald J Trump will make sure Hillary Clinton is our next President, and when that happens, he will support her with Vigor, even after a few months of ugly campaign commercials against each other, which will be required in both camps, just to make it look good.

The Clintons and The Trumps will prevail, in the exact way they planned and began to envision 11 years ago in 2005.

Wood News Agency, LLC

Binghamton, NY





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