Monday, April 25, 2016



Written by: Colin Bruce Munro Wood – 04/25/2016 – 9:03PM

The week of April 18 through April 25, of the year 2016, has brought on an interesting array of outcomes, at in an incredibly coincidental time in our Nation’s history.

During an extremely important American Presidential Election, in which there seems to be no great national choice as to who will bring our country together from the depths of Its’ still beleaguering history, and during which we have lost one of our greatest musical legends, and historically, of which we find ourselves, finally respecting one of the great members of the movement of freedom for African-Americans in the 1800’s, these three great moments have collaborated, and collided like crashing rollercoasters, off course.

While Republicans continue to do useless battle over who is going to be their front runner, on the left, you have democrats ignoring the fact that Bernie has no mathematical chance, in actuality.  Never mind, the polls that show our first, forthcoming, FBI-suspect, female President, tearing just about all the Republican candidates in two, in November!

I will go out on a limb, and suggest that we will see Clinton staffers arrested, but no warrant for Hillary herself, accept a call in front of the regular old ethics, and congressional panels, which will hold up our government for the first 4 years of her tenancy at the White House, with Bill probably running things instead, like the old times.

Face it nation…with Donald J Trump the likely Republican Candidate, Hillary is a shoe-in for the Presidency, and this does seem to be what the majority of minorities in the United States wants.

The minorities, of course, run the nation now, as a majority in its’ own.

So, how does this tie into the heading?

Well, it seems, that those who support Hillary the most in our Country; those being African-Americans, are seeing a week, in which the great, and almighty color of Purple is raining down for their heritage in my eyes!  I see it as a time in which we get to finally celebrate outwardly, and loudly the greatness of the African people, and all nations that have made America the incredible melding pot it has become.  The greatest nation on Earth!  This is the reason that everyone wants to come and live here. Because we take the hungry, the poor, the needy, the helpless, and the country-less, and we give them a new home, a new way, and a new life!

The death of the great music legend Prince, and the information on his Humanitarian effort around the globe, and in America, is just the background setting for a week of triumph for the culture, heritage, music, art, comedy, and everything that individuals of all societies have brought to America, but even more specially, what the African slaves first brought here without choice, except for those who took their place in trading. 

Purple is a color of suffering, of mourning, of pain, but of time, growth, and recovery!

“The Color Purple”, one of my all-time favorite stories, and movies, is that same story of suffer-age, and pain, but of strength and recovery.

Harriet Tubman being placed on the $20 bill. A very commonly used bill, is a great way to remember her suffering, and her pain, as she sacrificed her life to save the lives of others.  Just as someone else we all kind of know, historically.  As many throughout history have suffered to do. 

Harriett was one of the bravest warriors of all time, and although money is a form of Capitalism, which some say is the reason for their history in America, and the oppression of black civilization, I put forth, that it’s not the money, but the hatred, and the scared little children inside the hateful adults, whom have grown to be so jaded in their minds towards others of different cultures, skin, or religions.

Through this purple vale, and during this sensitive time in America, which hides in the dark rain; we must in the 21st century, take a huge curtain, and stomp it out for all time! We need to help rid America of racism and hate, forever!  On all sides of the issue!

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Binghamton, NY

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