Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Find Release, In Man of La Mancha!!

Find Release, In Man Of La Mancha!!

I have been at a loss, in deciding how to write this review.  The production involved many acquaintances of mine, from previous theatrical work, online connections, or friends.  All of whom, are very talented in their own ways, and own rights! Some more so than other, some less than others.

So, it is with a faint hint, that I will put forth, that this is a community theater group, and they also deal with a very tough stage, in the Phelps Mansion, on Court St, next to the Broome County Public Library, in downtown Binghamton.

With no side wings to talk for really, that are usually filled with a piano, and other staging equipment for the mansion, the actors are forced to enter from off stage, through the audience, for many productions here.

However, in Man of La Mancha, this unique experience for the cast, is actually taken advantage of, and it took this writer only a few minutes, to figure out, why the cast was sitting on the floor, and in chairs in front, and beside the audience.

The Stage and Musical Director is Jeffrey Wahl.  He has the characters playing their first court roles, out in the audience, with a somewhat, immersive feel to it. Although, I would have liked to have seen, and felt more action from the characters on the floor, by interacting with the audience more during court scenes, instead of just mumbling sounds, and making facial expressions towards the scene at hand. Involving them with the audience, would give it a more realistic setting, and really make the crowd feel good, and involved with the whole cast on the floor thing. Dulcine del Toboso/Aldonza, performed by Missy Harris, does a great job acting the role of Aldonza, even more specially, than the other character she displays. She takes a real hold of the Aldonza woman, to the point of crying real tears near the end, smearing her beautiful makeup, on her lovely face, and causing the myself to tear up, as well.  Ms. Harris, has a lovely tone quality at times, but does struggle ever so slightly with pitches, but her power, and her quality of voice, covers that up quite well, and you can still enjoy listening to here sing!

Brad Morgan, IS Don Quixote, Miguel de Cervantes, and Alonso Quijana! He looks the role, speaks the role, acts the role, and sings the role, quite well. Although, with an occasional thick vibrato, Brad does play a mid-aged man, who is down on his luck with the oncoming Spanish Inquisition, who is on their way to take him to another court, to be tried for treason against his country!  Brad, mixes, great staging abilities, and combat physicality, with an obvious professional acting ability, and brings forth character quite strongly.  Although, I looked for a little more vocal consistency on “The Impossible Dream”, and maybe a little more pizzazz, throughout the number, but he ended it perfectly!  Brad’s best moments included, were a number near the end of the show, in which he sang very well, and was prepared for, and his monologue, in the final scene of the show, that was very physically exhausting, and emotional to watch, which is just what you want as the audience member, by this point in the show. You want to feel his pain, conflict, and mental sickness, which he fights with! Brad, is entertaining, and a joy to watch, with his big, beautiful smile!

Chris Nickerson, as Sancho Panza, & Cervante’s Manservant, did a nice job, but seemed a bit tired most of the time. However, that means nothing necessarily, as it was a Dress Rehearsal, nearing the middle of a long week, and no one knew I was even reviewing their dress rehearsal. No matter, Chris is very entertaining, and fun to watch anyway, and has a great sense of humor that completely shines through, most of the time. Also, when, Chris sings in tune, which is most of the time, he has a lovely voice, that I could listen to all night! Very rich, and an Irish sounding quality to it, as well.

The rest of the cast had bit roles, and mid-level roles, and all did fine jobs of their own. Special mention goes out to the men’s chorus, which is highly called upon, in Man Of La Mancha, for many incredible harmonious occasions, literally.  Whenever they all sang together, it was powerful, endearing, very kind to the ears, and painted my heart with a big, gigantic, yellow smile guy! I swear it did!

Jenn Perkins as Antonia, and John Carroll as the Padre, are the stand out voices in this production! They both have operatic quality voices, whether trained or not, and both could certainly be starring with the Tri-Cities Opera, if TCO, weren’t so picky about who they use (i.e. – their own voice students).  Jenn could easily be a Metropolitan Opera House star; she is that good! I’m talking bone chilling good! John specialized in his baritone range for sure, with a quality of voice that left me feeling like I just ate the most delicious steak meal I’ve ever had on the open western front. Yeah, I know, this is Spain, but I still couldn’t help but thinking of riding along on a horse in Wyoming or Colorado, and just hearing his voice echo through the canyons. John, has an interesting placement for his high notes, but they still come out precise, and clear! His acting is fantastic, and he will make you cry and laugh, for sure!

Jana Kucera, also lends her Tri-Cities opera experience to the mix of lady’s voices, and if you like well, trained singing, you don’t want to miss her either!  Jane, always brings a great sense of humor to her character development, and does a perfect job as the housekeeper!  Heck, she and Rick Kumpon, the Innkeeper/Governor, stole the show from me, in our Pennsylvania bank commercial, which runs on television in PA, for NEPA Bank! They made me look like an amateur on film!  Rick, is perfect for both roles he takes on here, and continues to show the Southern Tier, through multiple acting outlets, how well he creates his roles, and the loveliness of his Baritone voice!

Bassam Eldabar (we hope the spelling is correct, as the card for show, has minute printing of the casts names), was a lot of fun as the “doctor”, graduate, and The Duke!  Bassam has a huge range of talent, that I hope to see him take much more advantage of in this region, and beyond.  He carried a NYC flair about him, and his stage presence, his singing, and his performance was all perfect, and helped keep the show together, and running smoothly, for a very comfortable hour and forty-five minutes, without intermission!  Man of La Mancha does not go on, and on, but precisely tells its’ story, in a keen manner, with funny dialogue, if you listen closely, which is intricate, in its’ Shakespearean manner, which at times, I did struggle to hear some of the performers annunciations, as it is not a large theater, and does not require microphones.

The females in the cast do a spectacular job in each of their roles, with more special mentions to Greta Volkolva, a movie and model actress in our area, as the Innkeeper’s wife, and to Jean Graham, who does a gypsy belly dancing routine, that last as long as one might want it to last!!!  Also, a very known artist, and huge talent in the Southern Tier, Jean is never afraid to take on small or large roles, and they always fit her like a glove! She certainly knows what she is great at, and I can tell you right now, that one of those things, is singing, for sure!  We don’t get to hear her incredible voice, in Man Of La Mancha on its own, but keep an eye and ear out for anything she might be in. You don’t want to miss it!

In its entirety, The Half-Light Theater’s production, of Man of La Mancha, running at the Phelps Mansion Hall, April 7th to the 16th, 191 Court St, Binghamton, is well worth whatever a ticket costs, and will send you out thinking, motivated to change your life, and to search out the needs that make you happy.  Have fun at this one, and look for the best you can in the Individual performances!

Wood News Agency, LLC

“Honest & True” Reporting & Reviews

435 Main St, Suite 9




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