Monday, April 4, 2016



Written by: Colin Bruce Munro Wood – 04/04/2016 – 8:45PM EST

In listening to all talk radio possible in the past week, in order to keep me news worthy, and on top of important issues in 2016, I happened upon Mike Gallagher’s Radio Talk Show. I have listened to Mr. Gallagher for years now, along with Hannity, Beck, Ingraham, Air America, Dennis (the comedian turned political news guy), once on-air personality Al Franken and many others, over an eighteen year period, now.  Over this time, I have heard both sides of the story, watched CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, BBC, PBS, NPR radio, Al Jazeera radio and TV News, and whatever, and whoever else, I could get my eyes, or ears on!  Certainly, during these years, my mouth was working as well, preparing me for this current endeavor I have undertaken, for a new Independent news agency as CEO, and writer, reporter, journalist, opinion columnist, photographer, and reviewer of entertainment and events.  I have obtained a degree, certificates in many training programs, from Theater, to EMT, to CNA.  I have worked and educated myself in numerous fields including, History, English Lit, Psychology, Philosophy, Biblical Studies, Scientific Research, Government Administration, Forensics, Veterinary Technology, Writing, Nursing, Anatomy and Physiology of humans and animals, with 3.7's and above in everything, further studies in economics, and many other areas, and well, just plain old blue collar work, including over 15 years in restaurant work. 

I combine just about 3 decades of experience, education, thinking, researching, studying, watching and listening, to create my opinions and columns. While, I have taken on the serious task of making my columns and articles, look more “professional” to the “professional” eye, I still resort to my own unique, and original style of “Truth and Honest” reporting, so that you the everyday on-liner, can make their own educated opinions on the facts, and not jaded opinions, or jaded information, or lies, or stretches of the truths. In all these years, I have admittedly found Fox News to be #1 in reporting facts and truth, more so than any other news outlet in the world. However, it has not deterred me from agreeing with CNN, or MSNBC, often, at times, more so than Fox News.  This is my “Honest & True” nature, of not taking sides for political aspirations, monetary gain, or popularity with anyone.

I, now take on this challenge, of being the most honest news agency from both sides of the political aisle, with a full on attack, full intensity, full knowledge, full intentions, and a drive that will not be stopped, until the way things are reported on, and announced by our Federal and Local Governments changes for good, and for the true betterment of all peoples, religions, nationalities, and countries, around the Globe! So, here is a good start to showing how some in the political atmosphere of radio and television news, are jading their opinions and lies towards you, so to shape uneducated, or unknowing voting minds, to follow their party, based on their personal beliefs, that cause them to spread such lies, innuendo, hate diatribe, and more! They, like to hide behind their degrees, and history, and connections, and money, and say that the up and coming blogging news agencies, and owners, and reporters, don’t know what they are doing, or researching what they write about, just because we don’t fill our articles with all the informational material, that slows down a story, that you yourself, can now look up online, without being forced to think a certain way. 

This following article will quickly and precisely point out, with an educated covering of the story, to prove the point, I stated in the heading. A study, that had nothing to do with the rest of the world, or cultures, or nationalities, or religions. Please read on now!!

“Marijuana users are losers!”, Mike Gallagher announced on his Friday evening radio show, that re-aired over the weekend, to my delight, and a few chuckles…

To preface this tearing down of a useless Marijuana study, put forth by, and Mike Gallagher, I add that they both are right wing conservatives, whom, as we all know, now-a-days, are useless to the real American Public, in their one-sided, jaded opinions.

This study, titled, “Persistent Cannabis Dependence and Alcohol Dependence Represent Risks for Midlife Economic and Social Problems: A Longitudinal Cohort Study”, an Empirical Article, involving, in no certain order: Magdalena Cerda, Terrie E. Moffitt, Madeline H. Meier, HonaLee Harrington, Renate Houts, Sandhya Ramrakha, Sean Hogan, Richie Poulton, and Avshalom Caspit, and these institutions: Department of Emergency Medicine, School of Medicine, University of California-Davis;  Department of Psychology and Neuroscience, Duke University;  Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Duke University Medical Center;  Social, Genetic, and Developmental Psychiatry Centre, Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London;  Department of Psychology, Arizona State University;  and Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and Development Research Unit, Department of Psychology, University of Otago.

I apologize for all that, and I sure hope you scanned it. But, to look more “professional” to the likes of Bill O’Reilly, and his consortium, I must include important details such as this! Here is a little more, to bore you further, before I have a little fun, with this ridiculous study, that no one of any stature, should have held on to, to prove a point, that they personally believe in (i.e. – Gallagher).  More credits: Clinical Psychological Science 1-19 Copyright The Author(s) 2016, Reprints and permissions:, DOI: 10.1177/2167702616630958,, SAGE.

Ok. Now we can have fun. This study is based on less than a 1000 people, only white people, and only New Zealanders, and only to age 38, with marijuana use studies of subjects between 18 & 38.  So, these facts, from the study, you can click on yourself below, show Mike Gallagher was lying, and falsely misrepresenting American Citizens, the age group of the study, and the number of participants in the study, and omitted the important factor that these were only native New Zealanders, studied from age 3 to 38.  Gallagher, used this to attack all Marijuana users, in the United States, and around the rest of the world. He stated it had 1000 participants, exactly. He stated the study was a 40 year long study, without mentioning what age the study started at, what ages were included in the actual marijuana use study, and how often these users actually used, and what was left out of the study, to make it a complete, and useful piece of research.

I, personally read the entire study, and the useless graphs that were imposed into the study. Immediately in the first paragraph, the abstract, we are given , which is a huge list of factors, that were, and were not included. Such as the actual length of the study,  jaded angles, such as financial difficulties, workplace problems, and relationship conflicts, and more that enveloped the participants, and that important aspects of each user, were left out.

These important parts, that should be part of an actual, real, scientific study, should have included, but did not, were race, religion, economical effects, policing authority effects, social standards effects, and more, that would have affected each participants lives, in completely different ways, and caused them to use marijuana in very different ways, for different reasons, and how they were forced to live between 1991 and 2011, during the final 20-year phase of the study.

The research, completely ignores factors, such as arrest records, or genetic dispositions to addiction or economical pre-placement in society. It did not include the wealthy of the world, who many, many, many use Marijuana, and other hard drugs, while being very successful, and wealthy at the same time.  Do I honestly need to point out in this article, the number of Rock & Rollers, and Hollywood Elite that smoke Marijuana on a daily basis, and are still rich and successful, and work 16-18 hour days, sometimes? Maybe, I should interview the millions of restaurant workers over those 20 years, that worked in major cities, in 1-5 star restaurants, who successfully ran their lives, and smoke Marijuana daily!

I think my list could actually go on forever, of successful individuals who use Marijuana, and have not even fallen from “Grace”, in doing so.

The study participants, were part of the Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and Development Study, a longitudinal investigation of the health and behavior of a representative birth cohort of consecutive births, between April 1972 and March 1973, in Dunedin, New Zealand (Poulton, Moffit, Silva, 2015)

This cohort of children was at 1,037, with 52% boys, 48% girls, and constituted at age 3.  But for the Marijuana use study, 947 participants were used, who completed at least 3 to 5 of the adult cannabis assessments, 18-38 years of age, including the final stage at age 38.

What Mike Gallagher, barely touched on, was the effects of alcohol on the same participants throughout the study, and how it wasn’t balanced in this nature, as admitted within the study itself. In fact, this study offers many attributes of life, affecting the daily Marijuana user, that were not included in the study. At this point, I didn’t even want to continue with this farce of scientific research, which completely embarrasses, even the smallest degreed scientist, as myself.  I was disgusted that a 20 year long drug study, on participants of 38 years, was not better prepared, prior to the study, to include more important life factors, and economical factors, and policing factors, that almost definitely, forced most of the smokers, under extremely stringent drug laws in both Australia, and New Zealand, during this 20 year period, into their homes, and into lifestyles that were not becoming of the rich and famous, thus jading this study even further, than it’s omission of different cultures, nations, and beliefs!

I would beg to differ with Mike Gallagher, who claims that he or his team researches information that he sends across the airwaves to uneducated, or unknown listeners, or those who don’t do their own research, and just believe the lies, and hate diatribe he has toward all alcohol, and drug use.

We, at Wood News Agency, and I, are not putting out a sound, or a call to use drugs, or alcohol, at all.  We constitutionalists, however, do believe, that if the choice of alcohol, which in other truly respected studies, and instituions, has been proven to do much worse damage to an individual life, in so many ways, that it surpasses Marijuana use in danger to the self, ego, brain, and, socio-economic standing, that it should have been included, more thoroughly.

So, with this article, we ask Mike Gallagher to take notice to his error in reporting on such a terrible, useless study, which proves nothing, except that Dunedin, New Zealand is a crappy place to be a pot-smoker! Mike, do yourself a favor, and the United States Citizens, whom listen to your trash for reasons, other than learning about who you are, by giving us the truth about this study on National Radio, and that it had nothing to do with America! Get real Mike Gallagher, and stop the lies, the stretching of truths, and the hate diatribe, along with your other counterparts on both extreme sides of the aisle. Tone it down, after 3 decades, and learn that the world is changing, and societies are wising up to your lies!  Good luck with your future in news and radio, I’m sure it is soon, coming to an end, unless you change your ways, and start reporting the truth, like Bill O’Reilly, Dana Perino,  Greg Guttfeld,  Megyn Kelly, and others like them!!

Wood News Agency, LLC

“Honest & True” Reporting & Opinion

435 Main St, #9


Johnson City, NY 13790


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