Saturday, March 12, 2016

Oklahoma! Here I Come!!!

Bravo, to Director/Actor/Singer/Dancer, Mr. Patrick Foti, and head of Endicott Performing Arts Center, on Washington Avenue, in Endicott, NY, for what I can only call, a project of incredible proportions! I was very fortunate to see an amazing opening night, of the Classical Musical, by Richard Rodgers & Oscar Hammerstein II....Oklahoma! It was their very first collaboration together, which would bring a Golden Age of musicals to the Great White Way, in years gone by! Believe it or not, this musical originally opened on Broadway, March 31st, 1943. A dark period in our Nation's and the Worlds' History. They obviously filled this show with dark undertones, reveling those of the Nazi age. However, tonight, all I could think about, while watching this splendid, individualistic cast, was wanting to take a trip back in time to the good ole days of simple love, and turmoil, but certainly, fun times. I begin with the Direction, and all I can say is that it was fantastic. Mr. Foti, used the stage in ways I've only seen on Broadway. Everyone doing different things, creating different characters, and establishing a reality beyond comprehension. I forgot a few times, that I was in a theater, watching a show. Lighting, and Stage Crew were excellent, and the sound was the best I've ever heard at EPAC. The small Orchestra, led by Paula Bacorn on the keyboards, did a fine job of handling the huge undertaking that the Oklahoma Score entails. Here, I am going to place my only negative comment on the show, although it's rather minor. A few of the tempos were slightly slow, but I brush that off to opening night jitters, because, as the show progressed, so did the tempos! The sound of the Orchestra was sweet and steady, and didn't overbear the performers. Now, on to this incredible cast. The Men and Women of the ensemble put on such a realistic production, by each creating their own in depth characters, to the point that I realized, I was truly lost in the story, and enjoying their presentation more than the 1950's movie. Kudos to every single member, who Pat made sure each had something to say, sing, or do that showed off their wonderful personalities. Terri-Jo Ramia, showed off her awesome ability to create exact replicas of the characters she performs. Her cackle, was Gertie to a Capital G! Mr. Carns, was a lot of fun, and reminded me of a tall George Bush. Leander Tanner, as Jud Frye, surprised me with his uncanny, characterization! He truly brought me to care deeply about why he is the way he is by the end of the show, and the direction after his death, showed a kind concern from the whole town, that America could learn from now. His voice soothed through the notes, and tamed my inner soul. I once again, had the honor of seeing Conner Gates, of the Binghamton Mets Administration, perform again, but as Ali Hakeem, not the Grinch. Conner truly showed off his ability to create different types of strong characters. He was funny, courageous, off the cuff, and down right fantastic! Now, since I'm going in order, I have to give a special honor to this next talent. 23 year old Lindsay Boyer, from Rochester NY, has performed and trained since 5th grade, and moved on to Ithica College, and created the greatest Ado Annie I've ever seen. I spent 6 months in 1990 on a National Tour as Curly, and even that young lady couldn't hold a torch to what Ms. Boyer can do. This young lady belongs on Broadway already, and in Television. Her voice was powerful, and soaring, and her facial and physical creation of Ado, were out of this world. She could certainly have played ANY role in the show. Much luck with your future Ms Lindsay. Now I get to shout out to my friend Andy Shaul, who never ceases to please me with his nuances, personality, singing, dancing, heart, soul, smile and more. He performed Will Parker, just about as well as anyone could do! What a flapper! Stacy Gyllensten Ernst, is the finest Aunt Eller this side of the Mississippi for sure, and certainly across the state of Oklahoma! She was energetic, tough, funny, and commanded the stage with her singing and acting, and kept the story running smoothly. Alex Gill gave a fine and unique performance of Curly I've ever seen. I really enjoyed his personality, after first moment jitters in the first scene, and then he took over, and simply WAS Curly! A nice baritone/tenor voice! Finally, we come to Laurey, performed by Brianna VanOsdol, a lovely, sweet young lady, with a beautifully trained voice, and tone, that easily caressed the audiences ears, and caused us all to melt! She, as well, created a very deep character, and showed that through her acting and physical acting choices. She and Ms. Lindsay could have very big careers in this field, if they so chose! Shout out to Pat Foti's cool gloves on stage. They held a spot of their own. Last, but not least, I was very impressed with the choreography by Laura Ulrich. It seems to me, that she has been doing it a long time, and is extremely creative. Nothing was easy, boring, but actually quite intricate for Oklahoma! Congratulations to a hard working cast, for a production that shouldn't be missed. Too many empty seats tonight viewership. Get out, and see this show for sure, for fine entertainment in the Southern Tier. Support this cast, this Theater, and have fun doing it! Oklahoma! Here I Come!!!
Tickets are $20, choice of seat available, and well worth every penny!

Live In Person Interviews with the stars @Https://

Director of Endicott Performing Arts Center give me a rare interview:

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Call 607-785-8903
Endicott Performing Arts Center
102 Washington Avenue
Endicott, NY 13760
#Pat Foti
#Joe Foti

Written by:
Colin Bruce Munro Wood

Weekend Special Edition

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