Sunday, March 27, 2016



Donald J. Trump, has a hidden agenda, the whole globe is finally coming to recognize. If you are in other countries, besides America, please let us know your feelings, with a google account and comment below, after reading this article!

Donald and the Clintons, have a history of friendship and heartfelt support, and monetary support, going back, at least, to 2005.  Hillary, was invited, and attended Trump's marriage, to his now 3rd wife, Melania Trump! Yes, she was already a financial supporter of Trump at the time, so she may have well been inclined to attend. However, when good 'ole Bill showed up at the reception, it was quite obvious amongst photos, and attendees, that they were all buddy, buddy, and having a grand time together, with arms around each other's wastes, and shoulders!

Trump, himself, if you look up his past historical statements about Bill and Hillary, shows a Voluminous record of prasing the Clinton's for years!

So, why the sudden , what seems obvious, turn on them?  Heed caution!! Trump, still loves the Clinton's, and is certainly in bed with them.

Although, Trump currenlty troddens upon the past sexual escapades of President Bill Clinton, he used to down play Bill's role with Once White House Staff Intern, Monica Lewinsky.

On August, 6th, 2016, writer for the National Review, John Fen, stated, that he thought, "Maybe Trump is a double agent for the left".  This double-agent concept, just might have something to it, and is starting to take off around the internet, and online news, 7 months later, and nearing November Elections! The Trump Hate teams in Internet News, such as our own, Wood News Agency, are setting out to do all we can to take down the Trump Campaign prior to, or during the RNC Presidential General Convention.

We hope to see this meglomaniac, lying, double-minded, fake politician of a rude businessman, fail at another one of his ridiculous endeavors, which is so realistically unimportant to him, it would only be another failed business dealing, and he would move on with his business life, and lovely family! I imagine, Trump wouldn't want to miss those glorious vacations he probably takes for 4 years, to visit Baghdad, or Yemen, or Syria, or Israel in the dry arid deserts that would ruin his hair!

Trump is much like a cartoon version of himself, such as Colbert's character on his now dyfunct show was!  Basically, unrealistic, untamed, unstable, and sometimes, downright laughable!

National Review, reports that a Clinton staffer, and Trump supporters, stating that Hillary sounded curious about Trump's moves early on, and told Trump herself, that he was, "striking a chord with frustrated Conservatives, and was a rising force on the right"!  Does this sound like true future enemies?

We, at Wood News Agency, encourage every reader to do their own investigation and find out the truth behind the Clinton/Trump run to the White House presidency just as you might be watching on Netflix's "House Of Cards", Season 4, out now!   Copyright 3/27/2016

Written By: Colin Bruce Munro Wood
Wood News Agency, LLC
"Honest & True" Reporting

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