Sunday, March 27, 2016



Written By: Colin Bruce Munro Wood  Sunday, March 27th, 2016 8:57PM
Wood News Agency, LLC
"Honest & True" Reporting

With the addition of State Republican Conservative's Sam Teasley's ridiculous exuse for changing the language in his initiallay proposed new business discrimination law in 2014 originally, being dropped under the HOLY VEIL of Religion, is just an example of the continued bigotry, and hatred in the South, that still exists amongst right wing conservative politicians! In no way, does the majority of the Georgian State Public support this disgusting bill!

The Governor, and the State Governing Bodies, must wake up to the new century, where we have scientific proof that man's belief in a God that created the Earth 6,000-10,000 years ago, and spoke against homosexuality in the early days of man, is total pop-cocky, and foolerie, as Bill OReilly would say on his Syndicate Fox News Show!   Man's newly formed religions of Hebrew, an,d then Christianity 4,000 years later, may be responsible for such inane beliefs, but DNA data, and analysis has proven beyond a 100% reasonable doubt, that being homosexual, and loving others of the same sex, whether as a friend, or sexually, is a natural selection process, in our genes! 

The Georgia Governing body and all these other southern and western states, putting these new religious laws into effect, are living in an archaic 20th century mode still, and should be voted completely out of their seats in each and every state, immediately, upon their next elections!

It amazes the Wood News Agency, that the diatribe of hate continues to permeate society, in the 21st Century, and we can  not stand by as a globally growing News Organization, and watch this happen anymore! We will not ignore important issues such as this, for mankind, so to not take sides of an issue, politically. We are a middle road Independent  Patriotic News Organization, that will only, simply, stand by the Contsitution of the United States Of America, for all the people of our great Nation, and not just the wealthy, or the powerful, or the ignorant, or the evil, or the masterminds of hate diatribe.  Especially certain news personalities, such as Maddow, Hannity, Limbuagh, that witch like skinny blonde woman who doesn't deserve her name to be mentioned by Wood News Agency, as she will never be given a seat in our studios, and so many more who still establish an 1800's race hate mentality, and carry it into the 21st century agaisnt their new enemies of the state, homosexuals!

Now that these hate mongering types can't chase color anymore, they have chosen a new population of loving, wonderful people, who are just like any other human being, to pick upon, create hatred towards, and bigotry for, we will not stop in our pursuit to end their careers, and kick them out of the modern news landscape, that is aiming to bring the public and the globe together in peace and harmony. This is not to say that there also isn't evil warring individuals, or states around the globe, that we must continue to fight militarily for democracy's sake.

Wood News Agency, by far, is not a pascifist news organization, but one that stands by it's morals, and values, as a human being, regardless of religions's definitions of being a good human!  We can all be great humans, as a wordly species, without a religion telling us how to be that way. If you, Georgia Legislators, and governing entities, were truly religiously loving, as you purport to be, then you wouldn't even be considering such hateful legislation, and neither would any of the other states, that are finding ways to get around the wording, but still discriminate against fellow humans!!! You should be disgusted with yourselves, when you look in a mirror every morning, if you still do. Your children must be embasrrassed by your beliefs, with their friends at school, who come from more loving, open and understanding families.

Wake up Georgia, it's the Buck Rogers 21st Century, and I don't remember seeing any racial or sexual hatred on that show at all, amongst their own race and planet! LET THE LBGQT society have it's own life, and own way of living, just as you demand to live your fake relgious lives as well! Don't' we all deserve the same equlaity of choice in all our life decisions, just as you believe you do!

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