Sunday, March 27, 2016


Eggstravaganza At The Binghamton Zoo

The Binghamton Zoo was hopping yesterday for it's 10th Anniversary Eggstravaganza!

Upon arrival, we started grabbing photos, and videos of the huge crowd already waiting outside the gate, for a 10am entrance. It was quite apparent that many families, and children got up early Saturday, to brave the somewhat early chilly weather, prior to the warmth setting in, later in the day.  However, the skies were a cloudless, rich blue over the Zoo, and the children were laughing, playing, and all behaving, with great anticipation to see the amazing animal collection at the Binghamton Zoo & Discovery Center! 

By a gracious, public promotions manager, in Rachel, who let us in to cover the Grand Easter Event, we were also informed of it being the 10th Anniversary, and that sales are considered donations for the animals, and the zoo, and that they will be used to continue to update, and modernize this heavenly spot on the side of an old hill on Binghamton's South Side! 

Wood News Agency was spledidly delighted to see so many different, and new species since the last visit, 6 years ago.  We grabbed awesome family, and children's photos, videos, and intererviews of staff and adults!

The new birth of a baby porcupine, was previously announced earlier in the week, and the expectations of the public were not quashed, as the soft, little orange porcu hung out by the front window, with his family members meandering all about it!

Just about all the animals, were joyous, and happy to see so many visitors today, and moved around with delight, and excitement of their own! The goats, were all about being pet at the entrance to the zoo,  and the cats large and small, modeled for the cameras of everyone!

We enjoyed great personalities fom everyone, adults and kids, and volunteers, to boot.  Everyone, willing to give information, and step up to the children, to get them involved. This was not a lazy staff by any means, but one that truly cared for the families!

Wood news Agency looks forward to next year's 11th Anniversary,. You should too!!

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