Tuesday, May 30, 2017


Today, I took part in a Facebook discussion about Millenials supposedly being too lazy, because they feel that they should be able to live a decent life in a job at 40 hours a week.

Most of us agreed that the current minimum wage is not even close to a fair payment for work this day in age.

However, one woman in her 60's stated that she has always worked two to three jobs at 60-80 hours a week to make ends meet, and in so many words was telling the Millenial to suck it up.

I found this to be a disgusting way to respond to someone who is actually, absolutely correct about not being able to live more than paycheck to paycheck at 40 hours a week.

Once upon a time, in this supposedly fair country, a whole family could survive on one salary, with just the father working a 40 hour work week, solidly. He didn't need to take on a second job, nor did the wife have to work in those days.

To be clear, I am not slanting modern times, and women working in any way what so ever Just pointing out an era when that was the case, and a family could live fairly on the one 40-hour a week job, without government help.

Fast-forward to 2017 now. We have single mothers, single fathers, married families, and single non-parental 20-somethings struggling to live on a 40-hour a week paycheck at minimum wage, or even with a restaurant job and tips.

The question then begs as to why this is the case 60 years after a family could survive on one salary, comfortably in the 1950's.

The answer is actually simple and clear!

Due to corporate and the 1% wealthy greed that has transformed the fairness of capitalism close to a third world country in some areas of America, we now are forced to work so much that our health has deteriorated around the country. The average lifespan was just recently knocked down a couple years of age for both women and men. 

We are all working too hard in this country to make ends meet, and hardly anyone has a savings account anymore. Unless you are one of the lucky minimum amounts of workers in the United States to have a degree and a job in your field that pays above $75,000 a year, which is actually still considered low to middle class, you probably fall into the category of low paid workers in non-advancing jobs that offer no end to the monotony of day in and day out struggle to put food in your belly and the bellies of your children, afford medicine and doctor co-payments, to be able to do anything other than sit in your house and get to your one, two, or three jobs each day.

Why anyone, in their right mind, would consider this to be okay, and normal, and call out Millenials as being lazy because they don't like that our crappy economy is forcing them to have no life outside of work, is beyond comprehension. Since when, were humans created to slave away 14-16 hours a day, and have no outside life?

The reason this is occurring now is due to the greed of the wealthy, and the corporations, and businesses that expect you to give them everything you've got for a measly $9.25 an hour, or whatever your state's minimum wage is. 

The call and drive for a $15 hourly wage are absolutely fair and necessary to improve the quality of life for everyone in America, and Congress needs to act on making it a federal law, not just a state choice. Corporations cry and complain when their bottom dollar isn't as many millions as they had hoped for, yet they are still greatly profiting off high prices and low wages, unlike our European counterparts.

This 1% of wealthy degenerates, with the exception of a few who get what makes the world a better place, such as Bill Gates, and Richard Branson, for example, are tearing America apart, and forcing us all into a third world state, and want to keep control over the masses by doing so. They control our food, our oil, our health, and everything the government should be keeping their hands out of, yet with their millions and billions, they influence the Congressional leaders, and our now we have a President who has done the same all his life. How often have we heard of Donald J. Trump giving to the poor? I'm not sure I can remember a time that I've read that anywhere! If anything, he and other wealthy elite, basically continue to steal from the lives, and production of their employees, so to line their pockets far above what they need to live the lives they want. Then they take this exorbitant amount of wealth, invest it, which most of us can't afford to do, and become even more wealthy, continuing to control the mass of American citizens, and keep us where they want us.

It's a horrible cycle that America has fallen into since the 1950's, decade after decade! 

It is time for Republican politicians to suffer like we do, and lose their seats, and be replaced by those who care about their constituents for more than just a vote. To respect our lives as much as they do their own. To allow us fair health coverage which they themselves enjoy. 

Our government was never meant to have the control it does over so much in our Country. Our founding fathers purposely purported a small government by the people for the people, not by the wealthy for the wealthy!

So, next time you jump in a conversation with a Millenial or anyone complaining about having to work more than 40 hours a week, and still can't make ends meet, wake up and smell the coffee first! It is not, and should not be a human necessity to work your tail off to survive. If, a single, non-parental individual is complaining about this, imagine how parents feel!

Republicans love to complain about how many people are on welfare and desire cheaper healthcare, but it is their grasp on the American dollar that is forcing more and more of us to look to our local government for help. It is their fault welfare continues to grow in this country, and that people continue to get sicker and sicker. 

Get on the ball Republicans and wealthy alike, and change your attitudes toward your fellow man, who with their hard work, are the one's lining your pockets by working cheaply for you, and at the same time purchasing what it is you sell to make yourself so wealthy! 

In other words, get a heart and a brain, and maybe, just maybe you can clear those welfare lines as you so desire to do!

Written by: Colin Bruce Munro Wood - 11:55 AM ET - 05.30.2017
Copyright 2017
N.A.W. Publishing

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Sunday, May 28, 2017


I thought it would be fun to discuss the possible female candidates for a Presidential run in 2020. I don't mean funny, but joyous, to start creating a list of potentials. 

Personally, as a reconditioned Democrat since last fall, returning to my "liberal" roots, since 9/11, I am fully supportive and determined that the United States of America and the world need a female leader, finally. 

Angela Merkel, the great leader of Germany has proven how incredible a female leader can be!

So, I'd like to discuss possible female candidates to lead our great Nation, as the leader of the free world.

The first lady that comes to mind for many of us, is probably Michelle Obama. Mrs. Obama has already experienced the heaviness and the seriousness of being in the White House. She has shown great leadership skills by helping to set new policies to improve the lives of children. 

Raised on the South Side of Chicago, Illinois, Obama is a graduate of Princeton University and Harvard Law School and spent her early legal career working at the law firm Sidley Austin, where she met her husband. She subsequently worked as the Associate Dean of Student Services at the University of Chicago and the Vice President for Community and External Affairs of the University of Chicago Medical Center(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michelle_Obama)

I wonder how many Americans are aware of Michelle Obama's impressive history, and education. Michelle has the class, grace, education, and strength to be a fantastic President and world leader. She is well spoken, determined, and intelligent. Definitely, one of the forefront possibilities for Presidency. 

Michelle Obama has not given any indication of running, and I believe, she has, in fact, denied her interest. However, we've seen other Presidential runners say the same thing in the past. I would call upon her, and those of us who support her, to give America what we need. A fantastic leader, that the world would greatly respect, as opposed to the dufus in charge right now.

The one name Davidson doesn't mention but who would be, without question, the strongest potential female nominee (and maybe the strongest nominee period) is outgoing first lady Michelle Obama. Michelle Obama is on record — late last year in an interview with Oprah Winfrey — as saying that she has zero interest in running for president. If she did ever change her mind, however, she would be a fascinating candidate — especially since she appears to be Trump's kryptonite(https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2017/01/09/11-democratic-women-who-could-run-for-president-in-2020-ranked/?utm_term=.573727b356dc)

The number one candidate, according to the Washington Post, is Elizabeth Warren. A strong speaking, opinionated leader, Elizabeth would be a wonderful President.

Next on the Washington Post's list, is New York's, Kirsten Gillibrand. Kirsten has proven herself to be a strong speaking leader, who demands fairness for the middle and lower financial classes, and has been a Stirewalt in New York politics! 

So not to make this article too long, I will finish with the Washington Post's suggested third female candidate.

Kamala Harris: The newly minted California senator will have a quick turnaround time to decide whether she runs for president. She'll have spent only two years in the Senate when a go/no-go decision will become necessary following the 2018 election. If Harris wants to run, she would be formidable — a California fundraising and activist base coupled with her historic status in the party (she's only the second African American female senator and the first Indian American) make her uniquely appealing. And remember that Barack Obama was elected to the Senate in 2004 and ran for president in 2008 — the same timetable Harris would be on.


Having either Kamala Harris or Michelle Obama as President would be the pinnacle of advancement for American politics! Also, a great slap in the face to white supremacists, who most recently, and disgustingly, gathered for a KKK-style meeting in the dark of the night, typical of such dishonorable humans. What a great slap in their face would it be to finally have a Black American Female President! Boy, would I love to see this happen!

America desperately needs a female President. The time has come, and it would be the most beneficial way to improve America's reputation around the world, and a great slap in the face to middle east countries who continue to disrespect female rights!

Written by: Colin Bruce Munro Wood - 8:20 AM ET - 05.28.2017

Copyright 2017

Heart and Soul Commentary
N.A.W. Publishing
The World At A View Flipboard Magazine

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Saturday, May 27, 2017


 I slightly remember Binghamton, NY being a democratic stronghold when I was a kid. Our mayor was Juanita Crabb!

For some years now, it's been dominantly Republican by election. However, with the dominant win by Jason Garnar for Country Executive, and the uprising of the group Indivislbe Binghamton, it's possilbe the tides are changing in Binghamton, once again.

I believe there are enough democratic sided individuals in this town to hand it completely over to the more sensible left driven leaders of our area.

However, as in any city, it is a challenge to convince or get democrats to the polls, as they tend to sometimes be the poorer of the community, or those who believe their vote doesn't matter. Obviously, we all know the Republican base is usually more financially endowed as a whole. Not to say their aren't well-to-do Democrats. We know there are! But a majority of local democrats struggle like me, month to month to make ends meet, and sometimes, the lack of a vehicle, or two jobs, or a lack of inclination or information cause us not to get to the polls, and have our voice heard.

This is more often the cause for Republican wins in our area. I don't have the exact demographics for this area, and maybe I am wrong about there being more democrats, but I would still like to believe that we could once again, make this a more caring, meaningful, and democratic area! 

According to Wikipedia's latest numbers on our area, the Greater Binghamton area, or the Triple Cities consists of approximately a quarter million individuals, and the city of Binghamton itself holds between 47,000 and 48,000 residents.

Binghamton is an ethically diverse area, and that is it's main strength!

Indivisible Binghamton, is an extension of Indivisble NY, a democratic stronghold, aiming to bring more awareness to the political climate in our area, and the acts of our Republican base that seek to harm the middle and lower classes of this great city!

We seek to fight the likes of Claudia Tenney (Rep) Congressional Representative, in her endeavors to make the rich richer, and the poor poorer.

Tenney, already proven to be a Trump supporter, and a backer of ridding America of Obamacare, and health coverage for up to 28 million people by 2026, is a non-truth teller, and simply seeks to fill the pockets of her wealthier constituents.

Switching from the Democratic party to the Republican party myself, around 9/11, I fully ignored for about 15 years what the Republican party truly represented, and what they did to push our country further into an economical disproportioned nation! As we are all well aware, the rich continue to get richer, get huge tax breaks, in amounts that could feed a nation of starving children, and over worked single parents. 

The Binghamton area is filled with such democratic individuals who need leaders of Binghamton to take them into account, more than the wealthy consitituents who really....need no help at all!!

I just left a thriving Country and economy who demands health care for all it's citizens in the form of a national tax based system, that guaranteed every citizen is covered and can seek the healthcare they require regardless of political or financial status. It is not destroying Germany's economy at all, and they are one of the top self sustaining countries in Europe, led by a caring, understanding, and very intelligent leader in Angela Merkel, who recently easily won a vote to support her and her endeavors.

With this article, I hope to bring more attention to those in our area who feel that they can not make a difference for themselves, in fighting the selfish, and narrowed thinking of the Republcian party in Binghamton. Luckily, with the likes of Rep. Mayor Rich David, we have a leader who does not stick to one side of the aisle, and does his best to reach across both sides of the divide and do what's best for the city, but a democratic leader would do even more.

So, know that your vote can make a huge difference for the City of Binghamton in bringing attention to your concerns, and your issues, and that there are groups, such as Indivisible Binghamton fighting for you, and we would welcome you aboard as a citizen of this beautiful city, to put forth your voice, as well! 

It is your strong voices that can drive this city back to a democratic reign, and in the right direction for Binghamton's future and future economy that still currently suffers.

Don't forget to vote in 2018, the off year, when you can replace seats much more important than the President of the United States. You can help to push the House, and Senate toward a Democratic stronghold, and help to turn the tide across the country toward a Democratic win for President in 2020, whoever runs, be it "The Rock" and Tom Hanks, Joe Kennedy III, |Joe Biden, or any qualifying female, which would be the pinnacle of making America and our great city, a much better place to live!!!

Written by: Colin Bruce Munro Wood - 11:45 AM ET - 05.27.2017

Copyright 2017
Heart and Soul Commentary
N.A.W. Publishing

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Thursday, May 25, 2017


This is more of a local blog post, but anyone who reads this is welcome to invest, and partner!

With only one place for theater classes for children in the Southern Tier, EPAC is a great establishment.

However, the Binghamton area, filled with tons of talent of all ages, is a breeding ground for future stars!

In joining a committee with Binghamton West Side Councilwoman Dani Cronce, there is hope to establish all sorts of grants, funding, and support in rebuilding the Masonic Temple on Main Street. 

This is a large building that could house both a Performance Arts school that would entail Dance, Voice, Acting, Voice and Speech, Movement, and Film/TV/Commerical training for all ages, as well as a Decent sized Theater Space for our shows, and for the rental potential of other theater groups, such as SRO, Halflight, and other troupes in the Triple Cities area.

It would be a for-profit business, as opposed to the non-profit EPAC group in Endicott. This would enable fair salaries for teachers, and staff, and my personal goal, for theater groups to fill enough seats to be able to pay their actors something for their amazing performances we have all grown accustomed to in this extremely talented area! 

I would look forward to heading this establishment, due to my professional experiences in Theater/TV/Commercials/Recordings and Radio, as well as business experience in running my own insurance business, and having directed shows, as well.

With the help of groups such as the Binghamton Arts Council, Indiegogo funding, grants, and the help of Councilwoman Dani Cronce, this dream for the Binghamton area is absolutely attainable, and would benefit the area for decades to come!

With this article, I reach out to parents, entrepreneurs, investors, and businesses who would like to support this great opportunity for the Southern Tier.

It is not something that would happen overnight. It will take great planning, and would take a few years to come to fruition. 

Binghamton is one of the top areas in NY State for incredible entertainment. There is top talent in our youth, as proven through the presentation of amazing productions at our area High Schools, and local theater groups. I have seen these teens put on Broadway-caliber talented shows, that have blown me away.

We would also look to attract older students from the NYC area to come to our school for training.

I attended such a school in NYC in 1988/89 at the American Musical and Dramatic Academy. At the time, it was a simple certificate of graduation school but has now become established as an accredited college with a degree program, in a new location in the city. This would be the ultimate goal of our school. SUNY Binghamton offers an excellent program for college students, but we would be offering this opportunity to all ages!

I would personally seek out only the best teachers. I have had a knack of casting talent in shows and picking voice students who have gone on to Broadway/Film careers. I know talent! I would only choose the best to teach you what you love! You would receive the best possible training available to non-college students, in the Southern Tier. 

If this sounds like a great opportunity to you, please contact Councilwoman Dani Cronce on FB, or me, and let us know how you would like to be involved. Any type of involvement is important, whether as a financial backer, teacher, or potential office business employee.

The Arts are absolutely important to the human soul!

Written by: Colin Bruce Munro Wood - 9:00 AM ET, 05.25.2017

Copyright 2017
Heart and Soul Commentary

Photo of Binghamton, NY courtesy of:

Photos of Binghamton Masonic Lodge courtesy of:

Wednesday, May 24, 2017


What does that suspicious title mean? It could be several things. I could talk about the ship Titanic that went down 115 years ago, or something incredible that happened in 2001, or the shooting of Abraham Lincoln even.

Nahhhhhh. I'm going to write about love. About the true reason we all loved, and still, love Titanic. The most popular movie ever made in the world.

Often, I sit mesmerized watching replays of this incredible film, that well, most of the world who watched movies loved! There has since, been numerous articles trying to knock the corniness of the film, the accuracy, or the Director, as a self-infused egotistical man. The creator of such an amazing feat of a film should have a little ego in my opinion... But why? What was it that he especially caught in the filming of the movie that goes on for years now, and probably for generations to come?

LOVE! Unselfish, completely fulfilling, sacrificial love! The kind we all actually dream about! 

Titanic wasn't so much an adventure movie, than it was a romance movie! We fell in love with the characters, we dreamed of having the kind of love that Rose and Jack enveloped.

We watched two people truly, and quickly fall in love, to the point of sacraficing each other's lives over and over again for each other, all the way to the end. It was the essence of this love that James Cameron so delicately captured.

This is the kind of love many of us dream of, but do we emote it everyday?

I am coming to terms with being a resentful person in my past, and learning to love more. Movies such as Titanic, and the most recent I watched, Captain Fantastic, have impressed upon me the importance of just loving unconditionally, with fervor! 

If only the middle east could truly learn the meaning behind their religious beliefs, which is to love your brother, and not to battle him.

Wouldn't it be nice if Trump could love all people as much as he seems to love his eldest daughter, whom he is allowing unwielding power in the White House, despite having no previous political background, or education in Government Administration.

A return to the old days of loving unconditionally would surely benefit society today, especially in America, where we suffer a divorce rate greater than 50%, now. I'm not condoning women being controlled again, or staying in abusive relationships, as in the past. But, too many couples divorce over the smallest and simplest things now, that could truly be diminished if they were to be more understanding of each other, and more sacraficial in their love towards one another. 

Marriage to me, is not so much a religious matter, but a spiritual one, in which we make a commitment to support each other through thick and thin. 

Would you run back in waste high water on a sinking boat to free your loved one from entrapment? Would you give your loved one the only floating piece around in the middle of an ocean, after your boat has sunk, and allow yourself to die for them?

That was the essence of Titanic, that made it so attractive to all of us. Yes, the amazing cinemotography, and story, and anticipation of the final result kept us inticed as well. However, none of us can fool ourselves into not accepting that it was the love story that made it so popular!

If you have children, a partner, or family, think how you can show sacraficial love for that person in such an immense way, that that person feels it for a lifetime.

I've decided to stop chasing after my dreams and what I desire, in order to do what I am supposed to do, and remain near my youngest child, and continue to raise him and help him reach his dreams. For the first time in my life, I feel as if I'm finally putting someone else in front of me, and it is a greatly satisfying feeling. Try it out!!

Global Love, Family Love! The wave of the future!

Written by: Colin Bruce Munro Wood - 11:35 AM ET - 05.24.2017

Copyright 2017
Heart and Soul Commentary

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Friday, May 19, 2017


Thinking of a topic to write about today, this one jumped in my mind within a minute.

Being an entertainer is quite the task. You can end up travelling, not working, doing other jobs, become a star, be harrassed, critiqued, and followed by mobs of fans. You take classes, maybe schooling, and rehearse until you collapse. You are put down by directors sometimes, used by casting directors or Producers who might then toss you aside, if you don't give them what they may be really wanting form you. Sometimes, you end up with your personal life smeared all over papers. Worse of all, if you're doing really well, a manager might rob you and mis-use your funds. Such as, Johnny Depp is dealing with now, and many famous performers before him.

So, the question begs to be asked, why does anyone want to go through all that just to be an actor, singer, or dancer?

I'd have to say the first reason is passion. You are born with it. You start copying what you see on television, or sing along with an album. Maybe you dance all over your living room, or can't stop telling jokes to your family. It is instilled the moment you enter the world, and there is no giving into it, if you've got what it takes!

Being a performer allows you to release emotions that the everyday person is not always in touch with. This can be to a peformers demise at times, if they don't separate fantasy from realilty, though. Many of us have made that mistake. Maybe you have learned to be a badass, and take things out on others. Maybe you play emotional characters, and cry and think too much when you are playing in normal life. Maybe you let stardom go to your head, and carry an attitude that you are better than others. All downfalls to the bug of performing.

But, the reason we do what we do, most of all, is to teach. To help others feel, and learn from what we produce for them. Whether it is a moralistic story, or a life involved situation that the everyday person has faced. We get to help you in your struggles, by giving you release, and a different view.

More than that, however, we are born to create, to pretend, to do what the normal individual can't assemble all at once. We get to be passionate, and create someone out of thin air. We study everyone we meet, and every situation we ensnare ourelves in, and then we take these memories, study who we are going to be, and put it all together into one package to offer to the viewer.

It can be a demoralizing career. Maybe you never make it. Some don't even get paid for what they do, while others fail time and again to even get cast. Yet, many of us march on, waiting for that small or big break, that can open doors for our future, and our familys' futures. We hope to one day live a comfortable life, not having to worry about where the next dime is going to come, or when we might eat our next meal. We want to be just like the everyday individual, and have a normal life outside of what we do, in most cases. 

Sure, there are those who have made the A-list, per se, and live ridiculous extravagent lives. How many times have we seen their lives fall down the tubes? I could name a few it has happened to from Robert Downey Jr. to Wesley Snipes, and so on, and so on. 

In the old days, actors, and other performers weren't paid to live these kind of lives. Sure, maybe in Hollywood you were a little more wealthy and could afford one lavish home. But, look at Johnny Depp, who owns multiple establishments all over the world, fine art, the best wines, and now is seeking new management, and a way to unload some of his riches, just to get back to living the life he has created. A fantasy really. 

Former famous actors, such as, Jimmy Stewart, Ronald Reagan, and many of the supporting actors we all can recognize in everything they do, live normal lives. They have decent homes, a nice car or two, and a family maybe. Many don't even stay in the California area, once they've made a name for themselves, and opt for the quiter, simple life that afford them peace from the rat race of a being a peformer.

Don't believe for one second that even a thrid of famous actors/singers thorougly enjoy the daily hounding of the paparazzi, or the newspapers, or the false accusations and stories, and the millions of crazy fans. It is nice for a while, but it wears thin and approaches abuse once it gets out of hand.

I, once upon a time, played a role that allowed me to work for a year in a luxurious theater, with up to 50, and even more fans, waiting for me every day at the stage door. They would bring cameras to take photos with, or of me. They would offer cakes, cookies, flowers, stuffed animals, and beg for my signature at every turn.

Some of the performers I worked with kept it limited, or didn't acknowledge their fanbase at all! I took to it like a fly on a wall, and thorougly enjoyed it, but eventually, even that low level of stardom got to me after a few months, and days I wasn't feeling so well, or wasn't in the mood, even I would try to find ways to sneek into the Theater to avoid the mass. It wasn't that I didn't love my fans for supporting me, and what I offered them every night on stage, but sometimes you just realize you are just a human like them. You need your personal space, and can't take all the attention every day of your life!

Imagine this on the Hollywood or Nashville level, where you can never escape it, excpet in the fortitude of your gated home and property. It could drive one wild. Some performers, such as Depp move out of the USA, because fans aren't quite the same in Europe or Canada as they are in America. They respect your privacy more outside of the states. How sad, that one might have to leave your home, just to be able to live life!

I guess, what I'm saying is. It's not the glamorous life many make it out to be, and what we do is more often about our passion, and love for what we do, than the stardom. 

I still like to perform, and can still stop all conversation in a room in most places I sing. Sometimes, I can even act well. 

At this moment, I write. I write blogs, books, and now have taken on screenplays. I have found other talents in book cover creations, and creating websites, for which I sill have yet to be hired, since I just started out, and just began marketing myself. But, this marketing, it takes time, energy, hard work, and sometimes money you don't have yet, and therefore you count on your friends, acquaintences, and social media to help you. Sometimes, as in my case with my first book, you can go nowhere. I may get tons of readers to my free blogging pages, but when it comes to spending a cup of coffee on a book of mine, or maybe $25 an hour to create your cover or website professionally, it's close to impossible, and as tough as pulling new teeth from someone's mouth.

I absolutely love the privacy I have doing what I do now. I am certainly not getting wealthy from it, but that takes time and continuous relentless marketing, until you are so noticed, that hopefully someone says, "hey, I should check this person's shit out", they sure do put a lot into it! I don't want the A-list life, or the glamorous life necessarily. Not that it wouldn't be nice for a little while, but what I really want is to be able to live month to month, not wondering how I will pay that extra bill that springs up, just like most of you! I certainly would love to be an A-list actor in Hollywood someday, but not for the reason you expect. I want to be able to effect millions with my ability to make them feel, think, and maybe even change something wrong in their life. I want to create characters. 

When I get on a stage, or in front of a camera, or microphone, I become a glowing bulb of energy, and light, that I don't feel most of the time. I turn on! I become more professional than I can ever get across at an audition, or on my own computer, or in a class. All of the sudden, my inhibitions all fall to the waste side, when I have an audience, because...I don't want to let you down! I want to give you what you came for! An escape from reality! A chance to put your troubles behind. Books do that for you, too!

So, if you aren't in the business, or if you are, do what I try to do, and offer genuine support to those you think are talented. Buy their cheap book, go to their movie, see them sing, and lose yourself in what they are allowing you to experience with them.

Peformers are not better than anyone else. We are just different in some ways. Our jobs are no less, or more than the average daily job, whether that is cleaning animal cages, or waiting tables, both of which I have done. Maybe you sell, or maybe you drive a bus, truck, or limo. Maybe you work for the government. Whatever you do, do it your best, and put all you have into it. 

Performers want to be accepted and recognized for what they do, as much any person out there does. So support your local arts. Go to a movie, even if you have to wait for the cheaper showings. Buy that book from your friend. Take the time to read an article they worked on to make an effect on your daily life, and ritual, and I promise you will be awarded just as much as I am for taking a bus ride with a nice driver, or getting served by a great waitress, or when I get an awesome haircut from my favorite hair-dresser. 

We are all here in the world together, and we all need to support what everyone does. Whehter its a daily necessity, or not!

Give to others, share with others, and help others, and this world will be much better off, and we all just might have better lives that way!

Genuine Love and Support!

Love to you all from this performer/writer! Truly!

Written by: Colin Bruce Munro Wood - 10:24 ET, 16:24 German time - 05.19.2017

Copyright 2017
N.A.W. Publishing

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Wednesday, May 17, 2017


Everyone morning with a couple cups of coffee to wake my sleep apnea butt up, I take a gander at Flipboard and multiple other news sources. I look for the most interesting topics of the day from Space and Aliens, to Politics and War.

With all the Trump banter these days, one doesn't know where America stands, but I can assure you the rest of the world stands against him for the most part. Donnie boy has made cuts to NASA's budget, yet touts them for upcoming missions to the moon, without understanding the intricacies of the technology to do so, at all.

I've always wondered what kind of information the President is given upon his Inauguration into his role as the world leader. Does he get to know all the secrets of our military's work in this area? Does NASA give him the low down on truths we are all kept from? Maybe it is all truly a farce about this alien idea. Possibly, our military is only using a secret ship in space to seek out military options. Maybe NASA is just playing the game with the rest of us hopefuls, who hope we are not alone in this Universe, or Multiverse. Whatever you find to be possible.

However, if you are a researcher and reader of what is happening OUT THERE, you might know that we ARE closer than ever to finding out the truth. Is there life beyond Earth. Microbial or advanced intelligence. Either of them would blow religions out of the water, and offer mankind a hope that we can and will survive the demise of planet Earth in the far future of our generations to come.

With the discovery of Enceladus, Europa and other moons definitely carrying water around our solar system, we have already trounced centuries of belief that Earth is the only living, breathing planet. With water and heating vents at the bottom of these oceans, also comes the strong possibility of some form of living creature. May it be sea or land!

Then there's the planet Proxima-B that is less than 4 million light years away. A place the new James Webb telescope, soon to be launched into space in the near future, will be able to give us all the answers we are looking for. This planet is theorized, through the finite resolution of our telescopes here on Earth to hold an atmosphere, and is in the right "Goldilocks" zone for water to be liquid, and therefore for life to be a strong possibility. What a discovery that would be. A place where Man could possibly venture to in the future of space travel, and find a home much like ours. A place to start all over again, and do it right this time!

Lately, we've also been hearing about this star not so far away, but far away enough, that only quandaries by scientists through more finite telescoping, having several interferences with its light and power production. The theory is that there could be obstruction from natural space occurrences, but the more they study it, the more they are finding that to be the unlikely answer. More and more scientists and many cosmologists are joining the talk about a possible Mega Alien Structure that is harnessing energy from the small sun-like star to power their ships, planets or whatever they could be using it for. The is a theory called the Dyson Structure theory.

A Dyson sphere is a hypothetical megastructure that completely encompasses a star and captures most or all of its power output. The concept was first described by Olaf Stapledon in his science fiction novel Star Maker (1937), and later popularized by Freeman Dyson in his 1960 paper "Search for Artificial Stellar Sources of Infrared Radiation".

With this theory, it is becoming more and more of a belief that an advanced alien society is harnessing the energy through such a structure.

With the onslaught of UFO sightings and videos around the globe, since 2016, which are more than ever before for a year time period. One has to wonder if they really are out there, and know we are getting close to finding them out, in opposition to their wanting Earth to know. A planet who has warred with each other throughout history to no end. A planet that doesn't share its resources with each other fairly. A planet full of people who are destroying their home, instead of using the ways we are discovering to fix the problem full force.

I mean to say... Why would any advanced alien civilization that is going as far as to harness power and energy from a sun's resource to advance their society be interested in one that seems to want to destroy theirs?

I, as well as NASA, scientists, and cosmologists combined, I am sure, urge you to think about these things. To study these things. Then make an effort in any way you can to change man's path toward self-destruction. We are in an age of change. A new Era that could possibly put an end to humans, according to major scientific resources and their studies.

Much of mankind goes on about their daily lives, ignorant to these findings. Unaware of what we are doing to our planet, and oblivious to what is happening in space. You might think that most of the world knows about this stuff, but believe me, they DON'T!

I, along with 61% of Americans are pretty sure we aren't alone in the Universe, according to a recent poll. I don't know what the thoughts are around the rest of the world about this theory, but we all need to get on board and realize that to survive this planet and to create further Manifest Destiny of mankind, we need to really be thinking outside the box here. I mean way outside the box. It sure hasn't hurt scientists such as Einstein, to do such a thing. Einstein's theories, produced by him a century ago, about space, are now being proven truer than even he probably imagined. Yes, everyone thought he was a bit crazy at the time, as well. In fact, I am sure most of you can think of many occurrences through time, where advanced ideas were thought to be insane, and served as excuses to execute such people in olden times.

So, I beg you to take my article seriously. Share it, like it, and spread the word that things are going to change for all of us, and hopefully, if we stick around long enough to see it in our lives, we will no longer theorize and wonder, and excuse these seemingly crazy ideas, and begin to look forward with brevity, and the know all that man is smart enough to figure this stuff out, and find the answers many of are searching for.

I hope and ask that we all do!

Written by: Colin Bruce Munro Wood - 1:55 ET/7:55 German time - 05.17.2017

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Sunday, May 14, 2017


Mother's around the United States are celebrated today in a way that no other individual, other than Christ, is celebrated all year long.

In the United States, the celebration of Mother's Day began in the early 20th century. It is not related to the many celebrations of mothers and motherhood that have occurred throughout the world over thousands of years, such as the Greek cult to Cybele, the Roman festival of Hilaria, or the Christian Mothering Sunday celebration (originally a commemoration of Mother Church, not motherhood). However, in some countries, Mother's Day has become synonymous with these older traditions.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mother%27s_Day

The first celebration of mothers in the United States took place in 1908. After Anna Jarvis worked tirelessly since 1905 to institute it. The first recognition took place at the St. Andrew's Methodist Church in Grafton, West Virgina.

So, what is a mother to you?

I am sure we can all give different, and alike answers to that question. We have all experienced different forms of motherly guidance, love, and support.

To me, a mother is someone who gets up every morning to greet you and feed you. She bathes you and changes your clothes when you are young. 

As you age, she plays with you, buys you things you need, and works seemingly tirelessly for sometimes up to 16 hours a day. This can include your maintenance, a job, and cleaning the house, and giving Dad love if he is there.

Many mothers these days are performing these duties alone. I do not mean to take away from all the fathers who also are in this position, or remain in their children's lives after a divorce or separation. But, today is about mothers.

Moms get you to your lessons and practices. They make sure you have the items you need for such things. They attend your events and give you hugs and kisses after.

Mothers hold you, guide you, and then sorrowly watch as you fly the coop, but never give up being your mother. They continue to support you in what you do, maybe give you money when you are in need or a place to stay.

They put up with your crap when you are a teen, and for the years to come until you finally mature into an adult. But, their love never fails!

You can fail time and again or be successful, and they are there until their end.

A mother never gives up on her child!

So, in celebrating my mother today with the respect I truthfully haven't given to her in years, but with a change in personality and attitude, today celebrating her, I remember her love when I was a boy crying late at night over a lost animal. I remember who well-cooked meals. I remember her working every day to put a roof over my head, and shoes on my feet, and food in my mouth. I remember her allowing me and my brothers the freedom to adventure outdoors for hours, and the freedom to choose what we wanted to do, even if she didn't agree. I remember a mother who has helped me endlessly financially over my years of failure. I remember a mom who came to NYC to see me perform, who came to Virginia, and Germany, and Lancaster, PA to see what I do best. I remember signing LADY on the Spirit of NY in the late 1980's to her, when she even paid for a dinner cruise to see her son perform once again. I now, in my aging wisdom remember, I have a MOM who has always been there for me, no matter what I've decided, no matter how much I argued with her over the years, no matter how I treated her with disdain sometimes, she never gave up, and has never neglected me. 

Today, after recently growing up to be my age, 47, I celebrate the mother I should have celebrated all my life!

What's so amazing about a mother?

She has waited for this day without hesitation or disdain for me. She has continuously stood by my side, and that is what a mother is! Your Rock, your foundation, your inner soul, and the woman who put you on this planet!

To those who celebrate today in America, and those who celebrate around the globe respectively, I offer you honor, and respect this day, as the foundations of the World!

Without moms, where would mankind be? 


So, surely celebrate your mother with passion and flowers, and dinners, and love today, and hold her in the highest regard for the life she has given you, and the life she continues to nurture!

I love you, MOM! Love to all mothers around the USA today!

Written by: Colin Bruce Munro Wood - 04:35AM ET, 10:35AM German time - 05.14.2017

In dedication to Andreita Gilberta (Cism) Pullis - my mom!

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