Monday, July 25, 2016


The Power of Love 
Written by: Dani Cronce (Binghamton Councilwoman) Released: 07/25/2016 
Edited by: Colin B M Wood 

The most powerful life you can live is a life filled with love. When we work to make other peoples lives better we naturally make our lives better. Blessings can come in so many forms. One of the most important things I ever learned while growing up was to help others, even if they can never repay you. When we live a selfless life we fill our spirit with joy, peace and happiness. We can be joyful when we see others smile. 

I believe that success comes to us when we work to help others succeed. The ability to enjoy the company of friends and family is an unbounded fortune. The peace that we get from helping others is the power of a positive life. Our own problems become small when we can let go of greed and focus on being aware of the needs of our community. 

This last Sunday I had the honor of starting a new year long initiative with the 3D Crime Watch and I'm Dope Without Dope. We held a kick off for the small, mostly forgotten park in the most economically deprived part of the city. This park is in my district. The children in my district are very important to me. I see them as our future. The investment we place in our children will come to us as a stronger community. 

We will be hosting non competitive sports and mentoring programs for our youth every Sunday at the Walnut Street Park. During the winter we will use an indoor play area in the American Civic Association. It doesn't take much to make a huge impact in the lives of others. Every blessing we bring will bless our hearts with joy. To see a smile on a child's face or tears of joy from a person in need can help heal our own pain and sorrow. 

I am working with the American Civic Association and leaders in my community to help bring more mentoring opportunities to our youth. Volunteering may never put money in my pocket, but some blessings cannot be bought. The power of love can cut through cultural, social and racial barriers. 

We always have a choice to be involved in the community. We can make a difference right where we are. Volunteer and spread joy to your neighborhood. Sometimes a simple smile or kind gesture can influence others in our community and help foster positive change one person at a time. 
Change can start in your heart, your home and your life. We can share the power of hope to others. It is simple. Reach out and connect to others. Build a joyful life while you empower generations to come. 

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