Friday, February 17, 2017


I do not remember if I swore I wouldn't write about Trump again, before I got to Germany... But, I just can't do it...
What is happening to the state of our White House? It is almost as if Aliens have finally taken over our Top Tier of Government.  So much so, that highly touted, and qualified individuals are turning down positions within the Trump cabinet. Turning down positions to be in a Presidential White House cabinet?
Now, that's some kind of shame right there.
With the controversial passing of Betsy DeVos into one of the most important roles in the Trump Cabinet, and the ouster of Mike Flynn, I have become agonized to not say something for another 2-3 weeks.
DeVos has never taught in public schools, or attended them, and has never been elected to office. Yet,Trump in his pristine thinking, decides to have her head Education anyway. Under pressure and scrutiny, she failed to show much intelligence, squelched her answers, and even replied with snooty regard for Congress. Her attitude in hearings reminded me of some other teachers I have known in my life, who carry a holier than thou attitude, and reply with snippiness, and sarcasm in discussion, because they are unable to actually answer intelligently, and in depth.
Where do I start on Mike Flynn. I understand that conversations and discussions take place in many ways between American and Russian Counterparts.  However, to the level, and controversial aspects of Flynn's dealings is dangerous, cunning, and unmeasured through time. In fact, this whole Trump-Russian connection is getting scary, and downright treasonous.
Trump told press in his incredulous news briefing yesterday that it's all lies, and the evil "fake press" is creating trouble that doesn't exist. The trouble with Trump is that he has lied so many times to the American public already, that hardly anyone finds him to be credible. He says he has no illegal dealings or conversations with Putin, or the Russians. Yet, contact between he and the Russians were ongoing during the election process, undermining Hillary's Presidential Run the whole time. These type of relations should not be allowed during a Presidential run. 
It is further and further looking as if, the Trump team was highly involved with Russia during the hacking of the Democratic National Committee.  It is looking as if the Trump team was partnering with Russia and Putin prior to his election into POTUS.
How anyone can follow or support this man any longer, is beyond my comprehension.
Combine the most current revelations with his actions in his first 100 days, and and you can very clearly see that we have a crazy man in the White House. A man who is still trapped in his childish mind from his youth. A man that never grew up, because he never faced true hardship, which can cause a man or woman to drastically face reality, and become a better human being. Trump has not had a chance in his life to face reality. So, we have elected a man with childish tendencies, adolescent beliefs, a man who can not think deeper into social issues, and a bigot who judges his fellow Americans.
Trump says he wants to Make America Great Again. He is talking about making America great again for the minority White race of America. The 44% who voted for him. Yet, this day in age, America is no longer a White Nation!!! It is a melding pot of immigrants, and minorities. More than 50% of our nation is democratic, and minority based. Yet, we have a President that is cowering to the Elite Rich, the Bannon's, the Koch Brothers, and the true financial owners of America.
Trump may not purposefully act as a KKK believer, but his actions in his first 100 days against minorities, Mexicans, Muslims, those with different religious beliefs, and the LGBT community stink of Nazism, Stalin, and Mussolini odors. 
Those of us with the ability to think deeply, and who breathe empathy for our fellow human beings, must take our stances publicly, online, in writing, videos, marches, and whatever we can, to fight the oncoming slaughter of the middle and lower classes that is being set up by the Trump Administration.
I ask you Donald Trump, whom I know reads my articles, that you do our Country a favor and step down from office. Save our Country! Either do that, or open your heart, and try feeling the passion of America, and the true heartbeat of the majority! I beg you!
Written by: Colin Bruce Munro Wood (Munro Bruce)
Photo Courtesy of:!&tbm=isch&